

Sunday 21 November 2010

{Production} Evaluation of rough cut

As the deadline loomed for our final cut this rough cut gave us the oportunity to to evaluate our progress so far.

In soon became clear that we had deviated from our original storyboard. We found that what should have been the real climax of the story, the moment she catches Mr Blue Sky, came far too soon. While our video was progressing the way we had wanted, because we had decided to add more narrative confrontation by having her bump into the guy of her dreams before losing him as she had to have lunch with a friend, only to spot him and chase him down later. Of course we realised upon showing our rough cut to our teachers and peers that it might present mis-understandings and seriously effect our continuity, not to mention that we all agreed that the moment she bumps into him was really the fairytale resolution we wanted for our video. I have some initial concerns with changing the sequences, of the cafe and the meeting, around. However I'm sure that with a bit of careful editing and appropriate use of some of our base tracks, where we can repeat imagery to good effect like many music videos, we should be able to overcome any problems and I'm sure the video will be greatly improved for it!

Other areas of improvement were more minor, our teachers were our most informed critics and were very helpful, they picked up on the edits that just didn't quite sit right with the viewer despite our well placed intentions. We were told that the audience wanted to see more of those fabled "blue skies" at the beginning, as you can see from the video we experimented with cross-fades to make the transition from the open sky to the close-up of Cocos feat less jarring, however we still need to improve this as best we can within the limited time frame. There was also a high angle shot that we used to show the movement between the street at the beginning and the shops, it seemed important to us but on reflection we realised that it was unnecessary and that our video will benefit much more from a perfect cut-away shot I'm sure would fit in just right. We were also advised to break up our sequence with Filipa (as Cocos friend) in as taken in it's whole it's quite long and the viewer might lose interest. So that's something we'll certainly try to improve.
Aside from the fact that several of the shots were just place holders for timing or some such (see the green smiles! and the dog), and that what was once our time-lapse shots, now cloud movement, got quite dull to watch without the animation we planned to put on top, the rest of our feedback was very positive!

The wordle image above highlights the aspects people admired the most.
Some of the comments I was most pleased to hear were:
"Really good Lip-syncing!"
"Slyvda looks great doesn't she? completely looks the part!"
"I like the doors as props alot, and they were used in time with the music which was cool."

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