

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Research: Lip Synch

As a lip sync tutorial we learnt it was one of the most useful tools we'll use for producing our video. We learnt mainly in the 40 minutes about using the cut razor, matching sound bite to video clip, and cutting files to produce an effective video with a full range of shots, which in effect made it more interesting and professional.

As editing and FinalCut Pro is not my forte, i could say i learnt quite a lot through this lesson. I thoroughly enjoyed it because it was such simple steps to creating an interesting video and in such short time. It personally surprised me because i thought it would be quite long winded to create such things, but i guess when starting to add special effects it will be longer. From that tutorial, i learnt mostly about aligning the song with the video, cutting it exactly on the point in which the words are sung in the lyrics. I also learnt about the cutting on the various lines along the clips and deleting certain parts to create an effect of an actual pop video.

I didn't think most of it was challenging, although i didn't enjoy trying to cut the clips to the beat of the music. This was hard and i didn't really manage to do this, although at first try i thought i did pretty good for a making of a video.

We used various tools on FinalCut pro to achieve the desired effect, in simple steps they were:

  • Upload video
  • Use the Marker Tool to pinpoint an exact word to the video where it is said: using the sound wave tab will be easier because the waves mimic the pitch of the noise in general
  • Drag the video clip that is marked to the exact point above the soundtrack where you have also marked at the same exact word
  • Use the Marker tool again to select this on all the other clips
  • Now use the Razor Tool to cut at different sections where preferred during all the clips
  • Using the Backspace key instead of the 'Del' key, you can begin to erase parts of clips you don't want to see and ones you do, such as guitar after drums and then singing, instead of one whole line of drumming
  • Finally, you can now mute your clips and use only the sound of your track, this should hopefully be in sync to the lips of the footage filmed
Personally, I'm already finding editing video clips much easier than last years video clips. Mainly, because last year different clips were filmed at different times and then put together at the end to create the actual video. Whilst with a music video, everything is shot all the way through all the video and simply put together. Obviously there are the normal implications like the actual syncing and speed of song combined with the person who is singing. I much already prefer working on this piece of work.

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