

Friday 3 December 2010

Analysis of One Sequence

The section or sequence from the video that i will analyse is the part with various smiles. Partially because i don't think it works very well and i wouldn't have put that in personally. I do understand how it works because the lyrics have 'smiles' at that particulary point in the song so thats what the images inserted were of. Also, because we have a flash of still shots in an area of the video; where the colourful doors are shown with our artist in front of them. That corresponds to this flash of different smiles in the same way.

On the other hand i still deslike of that section and only because of that can i analyse from both sides: positives and negatives. Your probably wondering why i didn't say so and if i did why do i still deslike it, surely my comment would have been acted upon, but thats the whole complication of group work, you have to be fair with everyones opinions and if 3 liked it then majority unfortunetly does have to rule.

The reason for my deslike of this particular part because most of all i think it looks unproffessional, not the editing of it but the actual footage, its particularly rough quality. This gives the overall scene nothing to do with the rest of the video which is sharp and charming. Maybe we could have used a slight filter or effect to edit it, but time was i must admit running short so we weren't able. If there's a downfall in the video i have to admit this might be just it.

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