

Thursday 20 January 2011


3. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Through my construction and research, i have used various media technologies, in order to progess to where i am now such as;

 In order to conduct my research. I used google, to search artist names, to copy and paste images such as; the record label symbol to put on to my digipak and advertisement and to go to other websites like blogger. I have used google throughout, from my planning to evaluation stages.

In order to conduct my research, i used youtube, to search different artist, genres and ideas that inspired our group to make our successful video. I also used youtube to embed videos onto my blog.

Blogger, was what i used throughout my planning to evaluation. The use of blogger was in order to keep up to date with what i am currently doing during my process. Blogger was very easy to use. Expect it had a lot of problems, such as uploading videos and not playing them, inserting images and not being able to put them where you want them to go. It was very useful as it like a diary.

We used this brand new state of the art camera, to record our music videos on. With the camera we were able to do as many shots as we wanted, and we were able to watch the little clips and delete them if we did not want them. Using the memory cards to store our footage on, this way it does not get lost. The memory card was very large in it was around 16GB, which i thought was enough for filming our music video. After filming we inserted our memory cards into a usb. Then we copied all our footage onto the video drive, this is where everything is stored. With the video drive, everything is bound to be safe.

Using final cut pro was one of the main part in making our music video, enabling us to put our video together, so it was very useful. With final cut pro, we were able to crop use cross fades, effects and we were also able to put on animation using a drawing tablet, which was a vital part to our final video. With these special effects, it made the video look professional, as this software is used by a lot of media companies today. My group used time lapsed, when editing for this, you have to chop up the clip and make the size smaller, in order for final cut pro to handle it. Although it took time and a lot of work, it became successful. Final cut pro allowed us to insert our soundtrack at the bottom which was locked, so that it would not move. With the soundtrack there, you are able to do the lip syncing in time. At the top left hand corner we selected the specific clip we wanted to use, then we dragged it down to the time line. We marked the specific clip we wanted for the soundtrack, making sure that it was in line and time with the soundtrack. This way the soundtrack would be in link with the video. I think that final cut pro, was easy to use once you got used to it and if you followed instructions.

To produce my digipak and advertisemnt i used Photoshop Element. As we had a choice. I was not too keen on using Quark as i was not familiar with it. As you can see below, you can see my editing process making my digipak. Photoshop Elements allowed me to edit images and make it into my own original one. For example, for the sky and the grass, i got an image from google, opened it up in Photoshop and added an effect on it to make it look cartoonized. And it was successful. Photoshop makes things easier, for example, i used the same background throughout my digipak, so what i did was copy the layers, that way i did not have to open the original image again and start over. I was able to cut around an image, that way it fits onto the background. I was also able to add texts, as you can see on the bakc the track listing. The font that i wanted to use was already on Photoshop, so it made life much easier for me. I was able to change the contrast and lighting of images. And i was able to resize images without stretching them by holding down the shift key at the same time. As you can see on the top, you can see my advertisement. Overall, I think that both my digipak and advertisement go very well together, i managed to keep the colour rule.

Here is a video of me talking about the different technologies ive used.

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